Table Reservations and Feedback

We looked at Table Reservations as a dining experience business. It was not about a software to put ‘butts on to seats’ or to manage tables. Each reservation starts with a story and leads to a dining experience that creates a memory to save and to share.

We have used design and innovation to create meaningful customer interactions across this journey; to support the restaurant staff through handheld information, POS integrations and to allow them to focus on delivering a memorable experience.

Our Instant Table Reservations Platform is ideally suited to provide seamless digital experiences to high value customers.

See Plans

World Class Technology

  • Only solution with IP built on best in class platforms CRM on Salesforce, Integrations on MuleSoft. Read our Salesforce customer success story here
  • Digital content and engagement on Adobe platforms. Read our Adobe success story here
  • High level of security certifications and compliance to privacy laws. Read our Privacy Policy here

Marketing Led

  • Use customer cohorts to drive business through promo codes or pre-sale of vouchers
  • Create and sell dining experiences as Experience Vouchers
  • Management of reservations across all channels including website, app, contact centre, Google, social platforms, incoming reservations at the outlet and walk-in capture all channels
  • Ability to charge a reservation fee for a special table booked (example VIP table with a view) or during busy periods (example Saturday evening)
  • Life cycle management of the customer database
  • Expand your business. View our Online Food Delivery Platform
TLC DigiTech Table Reservations feature
TLC DigiTech Table Reservations product feature 01

Customer Focus

  • Share details of the reservation
  • Store the reservation on Apple Wallet
  • Put the reservation on the Calendar
  • Share invites
  • Share a photo to get recognized on arrival
  • Get the menu up ahead
  • Digitally engage with the chef
  • Redeem a benefit
  • Get the restaurant cheque on the handheld device
  • Share feedback

Ease of Operation

  • Empowering the associate with customer information including photo, history, dining information like preferences, occasions, special requests, view restaurant layout, select a table
  • Handheld device with reservation register, a single reservation timeline view and MIS on your fingertips
  • Benefits management (promo code, voucher, card benefit) – through OTP, QR code for an audit proof transaction
  • Customer check-in, retrieve reservation information on POS and automatically send back cheque details to CRM
TLC DigiTech POS system 01

The Customer Journey


  • Multi channel access to make a reservation
  • Promo codes
  • Experience Vouchers

Making a Reservation

  • Profile capture
  • Personalization of experience
  • Real time e-confirmation, WL with options
  • Invite friends
  • Port to Apple Wallet/Calendar
  • Pay through payment gateway for reservation fee
  • Multi channel confirmation with menu

Pre -Arrival

  • Customized automated email, engagement around preferences, menus, special occasions
  • Asking the chef or messaging with restaurant staff
  • Omnichannel contact centre support

At the Restaurant

  • Table Ready notification
  • Personalized welcome
  • Customized table selection
  • Benefits and preferences fulfillment
  • Cheque on the app
  • Payment through link
  • Departure photo with digital postcard

Post Meal

  • Respond to feedback with rating for each experience
  • Share feedback and photos
  • Receive response to feedback

Automated Engagement for Repeat

  • Promotional e-messaging
  • Promo code offers
  • Retargeting on social

The Hotel Associates Journey

Hotel Associates App


  • Identity management
  • outlet set up
  • Rules for
    • Inventory
    • Table size
    • Table numbers
    • Reservation fee by table
    • Type and time
  • Cancellation and confirmation window

At the time of Reservation

  • Receive real time triggers and app update for all
  • reservations
  • Respond to WLs
  • Guest messaging for enhanced experience
  • Make notes against a reservation
  • View reservation register and timeline at any point

Pre Arrival

  • Engage with your guests
  • Send guests personalised invites to promotional events
  • Personalised guest communication for curated experiences (Example: Culinary masterclass or wine tasting session)

Day of Arrival

  • Awaiting Arrival dashboard on hotel app
  • Prepare for arrival
  • New reservations and walk-ins updated real time

On Arrival

  • Personalized welcome with history and photo on app
  • Customized table selection
  • Remote check-in on Micros
  • Customer details retrieved in POS
  • Benefit fulfilment
  • Close cheque
  • Receive payment through app or in person
  • Cheque close on POS updates CRM

Post Meal

  • Receive feedback trigger and on app
  • Respond to feedback on the app
  • Integration with host feedback system
  • MIS and controls

Implemented at over 200 restaurants

Bidri restaurant logo Delhi Baking Company logo JW Kitchen restaurant logo

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